Jun 7Liked by Jeremy Mathew

Beautiful words, thank you Jeremy

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Jun 7Liked by Jeremy Mathew

Thank you for using your voice to speak. I find so few white folk willing to speak, willing to acknowledge the death tole, to keep looking and facing the extent of white supremacy literally killing the human race.

We are in deep trouble. But we must stay with it. To speak against constant violence all around us and within us.

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...amazing quilt...

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“Every aspect of our daily lives has been commodified and trivialized by the systems we exist under. We cannot allow this fate for art.” Sadly I think this has already happened for art and the contemporary gallery system is to blame, helped by social media. The only way to reclaim art is to divorce it from making money and that means artists need to be supported in other ways, like a universal basic wage. I’m hopeful that artists can find a way back.

I’ve written today about how I just don’t know how to respond to humanity’s cruelty. There are currently twelve genocides happening in the world—twelve! Why? What is it about humans that we always need more? Why can’t we live in peace? I don’t think artists have all the answers but I know we need creativity and imagination more than we need billionaires and power-driven leaders.

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Jun 11Liked by Jeremy Mathew

More bombs than in WWII--no words.

-Thank you for an amazing manifesto for our difficult and tragic times:

-Your time and attention are precious and important.

-Your time spent idlely, in reverie and in your own imagination is time valuably spent.

-The things that we are told that are urgent are rarely ever urgent.

-Time dedicated to the pursuit of higher knowlege and wisdom is important, even if that does not lead to a career or economic gain.

-The people you are made to think are important are not.

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Jun 17Liked by Jeremy Mathew

Jeremy I’m so thankful I stumbled upon your newsletter! This post was an antidote to a lot of the helplessness and uselessness I feel whenever I write. But you’re right, it brings me closer to my own soul, and in a way closer to humanity. Thank you for writing about Palestine <3 thank you for your words, thank you for sharing that beautiful quilt.

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Thank you Lala. It's hard to write about while also trying to not feel like you're centering your own grief...but the grief is real. It's a lot to witness. Looking forward to reading your work as well!

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Wow. Thank you for this.

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Oh, this is truly beautiful. Wow!

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