This is so cool!!! If I was in Chicago, I'd totally be down to come add something! But alas, I'm on the west coast. I'm excited to follow your journey with the dollhouse, and I love the deeper meaning behind it.

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I'm thinking about getting a PO box for it so that people in outside of Chicago can participate :)

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This is such a fun idea!!! I'd be down to mail something.

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I would love to make wallpaper

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That's such a great idea! Go for it : )

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holy shit this is such a cool idea. i once got a dollhouse when i was a kid but never did anything to it and now I wish I had.

two things I instantly thought of:

- i came across this artist on pinterest who makes incredible dollhouses from scratch, find her stuff at https://learnthemagicofpaper.com and take a look.

- there's a flat in england which recently got listed status, if you google 'ron gittins flat' you'll see it

i would totally love to contribute something! not sure what yet, but i really love this project.

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Oh my gosh I love that paper mache dollhouse. so cool! So, if you wanna jump in at some point just introduce yourself in the chat (linked in the post). Maybe once people start adding things you'll get inspired and find an opportunity to jump in. : )

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Well this is freaking cool. I’d love to contribute! I’d love to make something & mail it over. 👏

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Awesome! Welcome :) Go ahead and introduce yourself in the chat. It's linked in the post! I need to get a P.O. box for it or something :)

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Love this. Great idea. Also it fits well with my substack, actually. My mother used my dollhouse for her art. Now I’m using her dollhouse paintings for my writing.

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Oh very cool! I'll have to check out your work!

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That tall roof pieces is really giving off haunted house vibes. I want to make some sort of ghost piece!

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Oh hell ya! It's definitely haunted. Can't wait to see it! :)

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I made a teeny tiny pillow with a beaded comet the other day and was thinking how perfect it would be in a dolls house. I'd love to send it to you.

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Coolest thing ever. I recently had an Air BnB guest who slept in my attic and saw a ghost. I believe it was the ghost of my late husbands grandmother brushing her long silver hair, which my late husband wrote about and told me about often. Also in this attic were all of the boxes of saved letters going back to his grandmothers generation and all of his papers which I am using to make us a book. I'm calling it A Suitable Vessel, which is my working title of our double book. But I think of it as a paper house for him and me to withstand eternity. Not kidding.

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Kara….. I didn’t know, wow!!….. and now I can’t throw away my childhood dollhouse I was ready to part with finally ……

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please join us weekdays at 1:00 at our live writing salon Writers daily Dive. We get shit done. We meet. We chat. We mute. we write in silence. Its a little bit genius.


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That sounds fun!! Every week day?

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I’m not good at making things but love this idea of building a shared home by decorating a dollhouse.

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May I send you a proddy rug? It's an endangered craft, sometimes called 'proggy'. It's a really simple way of making rag rugs. If you like, I can also send you a piece of furniture made by a local Japanese artist. I'm not sure what, as they just appear sometimes at local events and they've got what they've got but they are sweet little miniatures. Every time I get the opportunity to play with a dollhouse I always want to hide something weird in there. I used to make strange hidden basements in every Sims house, until they'd inevitably decide to go down five flights of stairs to look at whatever monstrosity I'd built at creepy o'clock in the morning instead of going to sleep. Eerie when that happened. Annoying when they'd have to climb all the way back up and miss the carpool to work.

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