Jeremy, I'm obsessed with this issue. The part about stopping to look for four-leaf clovers, the part about the fragmented self in the digital age, the part about art serving the soul while content serves the economy. I feel like I overuse the term "resonated," but that's really what this issue did for me.

Also, I'm so jealous about your writing workshop experience!

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Thank you! It's actually my favorite so far I think and the least edited. You should look and see if there's something similar happening near you. It was an incredible experience!

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I love all of this. Can I also say, I am LOVING your digital collages!

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Thank you! It's been fun to use them to illustrate my posts, and I feel less rushed to finish my quilts. Did you ever dig into the collage google drive? I have even more stuff to add now

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Jun 1Liked by Jeremy Mathew

This very same Note was what led me to you.

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P.S. On the subject of four-leaf clovers (and hand-sewing)...


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Jun 1Liked by Jeremy Mathew

But how does one develop a more integrated self??

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Through a lot of suffering 😂 how familiar are you with jungian psychology?

lol that’s a big question I’m definitely that im fully there, but the more that I learn to trust my poetic mind I feel closer! In the workshop I talked about we focused on quieting the ego while we write, and learning to differentiate between soul and ego. If that makes sense? I’m delving into big questions here I’m not sure how to answer.

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Yes you ask great questions! I’ll work on killing my ego :)

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"No division between art and “content.”

My heart weeps, holy moly.

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Scary things happening in the collective! 🫣

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...here here to moseys and meanderings...

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"The Divine Importance of Dilly-Dallying" yeeeesssss. And you're so right about content and art--that's what I feel like Spotify has done to music. Artists create 'content' and Spotify gets rich with advertisements and subscriptions while throwing a pittance to the artists who create the reason people use Spotify. It's so profoundly hollow.

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My art practice stopped when social media took over and now I find myself lost in the void. I’m thrilled to find your Substack. Art, alchemy, and Jung all in one post. I’ve found a kindred spirit and I’m so excited to read along.

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