Apr 5Liked by Jeremy Mathew

I love this painting! It looks like an explosion of color and joy. And what you're saying resonates so deeply with me, thanks for writing this. I use meditation as my main artistic director when I'm making things. It helps me slow down artistic urgency a lot, because my artistic soul doesn't care what I sell or how much I make, it just wants to work with a creative excitement and delight. After my second book came out I kept trying to come up with a new book idea to sell to make more money, but I had two children and was taking care of my mother and I was tired. I meditated to see what project wanted to come through and all I heard was, "Take a year and write like no one is ever going to read it." Then, "Draw cats!" I had never really done much drawing or watercoloring but I started and then gave myself a light, easy challenge of writing and illustrating one short cat story a month. It turned into such a wonderful practice! I still do this before I start working--I sit down, look inside, and see what wants to come out. I have never loved writing and drawing and making things more. Thank you for asking. And I really love the painting you're doing.

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I really appreciate this sweet and thoughtful comment! This really gets at what I'm trying to convey on Substack. I was starting from nothing a few years ago, and never had any access to arts education or artistic communities. It felt really horrible and lonely for a long time until I got the confidence to put myself out there and connect. The more I talk to other creatives the more I realize how universal this experience is!

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Apr 5Liked by Jeremy Mathew

Oof. I can relate to this more than I want to. "I want to rid my art practice of the joyless urgency that seeps in from the world outside. My art practice must remain a sacred space for play and imagination." SO MUCH urgency and anxiety. I flow best when I can jump from one project and idea to another, making connections, dabbling, and riding the high of inspiraiton.

This definitely doesn't translate into being able to follow through with everything I want to or a more disciplined practice of enhanced productivity.

Eff it all, you know? Coming back to what feels GOOD and trusting the flow is a life-long journey for me and I'm so glad to encounter others on a similar path. 💗🙏

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Love the embroidery mixed with the painting

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