1 Comment
Mar 9·edited Mar 9

I feel like I have no control over the color I use. I am like a blind baby running only emotions. Haha! It’s a fun way to work but not the only way for sure. I like how it feels or I don’t and I don’t know why. I dont think this is a good or bad way to make art but it is a way, LOL! It definitely lacks intentionality and only relies on fleeting feelings which I don’t think is always bad, but if I want to achieve something specific I have a lot of trouble because I don’t think very critically or intentionally about it. Luckily I rarely have a strict expectation of the feeling I want to convey and sort of let it unfold in front of me as I go. Then I either like it or I don’t and try again. I like reading about your process and tools! Thank you for sharing!

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